Contoh Soal Psikotes – Tes psikotes adalah salah satu tahap dari perekrutan karyawan di Perusahaan seperti BUMN, Perbankan, Polri, TNI, CPNS dan Perusahaan Swasta. Tujuan dari tes psikotes adalah untuk menilai aspek individual psikologis, seperti fungsi kognitif dan emosional seorang pelamar kerja. Adapun soal psikotes yang sering keluar baik itu ketika Anda mengikuti psikotest pada perusahaan BUMN ataupun swasta diantaranya seperti yang akan saya jelaskan di bawah ini: Soal Psikotes 1. Tes Logika Penalaran Soal tes logika penalaran ini terdiri atas deret gambar baik 2 maupun 3 dimensi dan lain-lain.
Bismillah. Assalamu’alaikum.
Pada kesempatan ini, Inshaallah saya akan memberikan contoh interview yang biasa dilakukan oleh interviewer tanyakan kepada para pelamar. Karena anda akan melamar untuk perusahaan asing, maka pertanyaan akan menggunakan bahasa Inggris. Semoga bermanfaat.
1. How may I help you?
Sebagian interviewer terkadang bertanya ini ketika anda sudah dipersilakan untuk duduk. Bila tidak siap, anda mungkin akan bingung. Anda bisa menjawab seperti dibawah ini;
Referring with my letter of application, that I’ve sent VIA internet a week ago, than I got a call to see you to have an interview. So I am ready to share my education and experience.
2. What can you share about your self? / Tell me about yourself!?
Jika anda diperintahkan untuk memperkenalkan diri, cobalah agar selengkap mungkin. Bila belum mengerti, bisa mengikuti poin-poin dibawah ini:
Thank you. Well, my first name is Moch. My last name is Sofyan. And my middle is Ichsan. So my full name is Moch Ichsan Sofyan. I was born in Cianjur, on May 13th, 1989, and I am 24 years old.
I live in Cianjur on Jalan Mahakam Number 1. I am Indonesian, I am Muslim, and I am single.
I was graduated from The Puncak Hotel Institute, majoring in general hotel operation for 1 (one) year program.
I got On Job Training at Aston Braga Hotel & Residence for 6 (six) months as waiter and at Coffee Club for six months as waiter and barista in Singapore.
I like reading and watching movie. I dislike smoking.
I think that’s all what I can share.
Thank you for your kind attentions.
Semakin anda menceritakan diri anda tentang banyak hal, saya pikir lebih baik. Karena dengan begitu interviewer akan melihat kualitas Inggris anda.
3. What function do you apply for?
Jawabannya adalah posisi yang anda lamar. Contoh;
I apply for ASL (Assistant Steward Lido) majoring in F&B Department.
4. Why do you apply for ASL?
Because my background education and work experience is in F&B Department and I like direct service.
5. What is the main duty?
Contoh tugas ASL adalah sebagai berikut;
6. Why do you like to apply for this company?
7. How long will you work in this company?
As long as the company hire me.
8. What dou you know about cruise ship?
Cruise ship is floating hotel that’s float on the sea water cruising ether from one harbor to another harbor or from one country to another country.
9. Who inspired you to work on board?
My …. (sebutkan siapa) inspired me to work at your company.
10. What’s hotel?
An establishment of the company which provides service to the public such as hotel rooms, restaurant, bar, entertainment, or other facilities to reach guest satisfaction for commercial purpose.
11. What’s floating hotel?
Floating hotel is hotel that’s float on water.
12. What’s the function hotel for traveler?
13. What do you prepare before working onboard?
I prepare:
14. Can you tell me a brief story since you left for till you’re sitting here in front of me!
My pleasure, I left at 6.00 in the morning after I had my breakfast. Then I took bus from Cianjur. It took around 2 hours, then I took the public transportation. I arrived at 8.30, directly I reported to receptionist to join this working interview. I waited about 10 minutes before I was called. Finally I can see you, and I am ready to get an interview.
15. On board ship you’ll work with people with different nationalities and you’ll share your room.
I realize, that why I have prepare my strong mentality and English to learn more and understand each other to corporate and respect. And the most important thing that we have to understand our culture, habit and obey the house rules.
17. Are you able to live as part of team composed of people from different nationalities?
Yes, I am able.
18. Do you get a sea sick?
No, I don’t.
19. Can you live away from you family at least 6 (six) month or even more?
Yes, I can.
Pertanyaan-pertanyaan di atas adalah pertanyaan-pertanyaan yang sering digunakan ketika interview. Namun tak jarang interviewer menanyakan hal yang tidak pernah bayangkan sebelumnya. Jadi persiapkanlah diri anda dengan matang dengan belajar bahasa Inggris.
Good luck! (*)
Moch Ichsan Sofyan Makkah